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Outputs (DFA)

Generated Outputs 


Include Uploaded Files

Append files from upload fields to the output PDF

Supported file types: .pdf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .tiff

Included fields 

Select fields to include in the output PDF

Excluded fields

Select fields to exclude in the output PDF

Output Destinations


Output Directory

Directory to output the files to.

Supports general placeholders.

Supports the following additional DFA specific placeholders:

{{submission["id"]}}The GUID of the submitted form.
{{submission["created"]}}The DateTime of the submission. (yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss)
{{submission["createdBy"]}}The app that created the submission.
{{submission["createdByUser"]}}The user that submitted the form.


Output File

Generated Outputs

Tick to enable outputting of the specific generated outputs.


Enable Attachments

Enable outputting of attached files

Output Name

Naming format for attachments.

If blank, a unique identifier is used.

If no placeholders are found, or duplicate name is found, then a sequential number will be added to the file name.

Supports general placeholders.

Supports {{session}} placeholder which will get replaced with the submission identifier.

Supports {{filename}} placeholder which will get replaced with the original filename.

Provide attachment metadata file

Attachments will receive a metadata xml file identical to the output format


Include History

Includes the items history in the metadata

Include Submissions Information

Includes the submission information in the metadata

BundleThis configuration will export a complete EWB bundle as defined in the EWB Specification


Can be used to email the completed form to an email address.


Can be used to dispatch another form using metadata from the submitted form.

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