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77. System Placeholders in EzeScan DESKTOP/SERVER

An EzeScan DESKTOP/SERVER Placeholder is a value that is stored when EzeScan DESKTOP/SERVER is processing an image.
Below are the Placeholders.

These Placeholders can be specified in the Base File Name or used in the EzeScan DESKTOP/SERVER KFI Module.

Please refer to the EzeScan DESKTOP/SERVER Online Guide for more information.

System Placeholders:


Output file name


Windows login name


Output date in YYYYMMDD format

Note: the date format can be changed using various dd/mm/yyyy formatting options e.g. <<S3(dd-mm-yyyy)>>


Output time in HHMMSS format


Number of pages in the document


Imported Filename including file extension

Note: the imported filename minus the file extension can be returned by using <<S6(BASE)>>


Imported Directory


Computer Network Name


Current Job Name


Batch Prefix


Incrementing Batch Suffix


Batch Prefix + Incrementing Batch Suffix


Batch Doc ID


Incrementing Document Identifier

Note: To enable this, the option “Generate Document Identifiers” in the Workstation Options, Jobs Tab must be enabled.


Previous Profiled Record ID


User Email (derived from Admin -> Options -> Email or Admin -> Options -> Security -> Local Login or Admin -> Options -> Security -> LDAP Settings


Last KFI Prompted Output Filename


This is the Base Image Filename


This is the Base Image File Number


This is a shortcut of <<S18>><<S19>>


This is an incrementing Document Identifier that is reset every day.

Note: To enable this, the option “Generate Document Identifiers” in the Workstation Options, Jobs Tab must be enabled.


This value is the current Job name from the selected Job Type. This is usually appended to the default import and output folders.


This is the current page in the EzeScan viewer. This option is usually used in the Advanced Markup -> Add Comment setting.

Note: You can format this to a 0 filled 4 digit number (e.g. 0001 instead of 1) using <<=[0000]PAGENBR>>    


This is the barcode value defined in the barcode 1 setting on the profiling tab.


This is the optional barcode value defined in the Barcode 1 setting on the profiling tab.


This is the barcode value defined in the Barcode 2 setting on the profiling tab.


This is the optional barcode value defined in the Barcode 2 setting


This is the barcode value defined in the Batch setting on the profiling tab.


This is the optional barcode value defined in the Batch setting on the profiling tab.


This is the filename of a the root level email file (.eml) that has been imported into EzeScan


Set in the Workstation Options - Jobs - Select Scanner input box instead of selecting a specific scanner from the Source list which can change if unplugged or driver updated

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