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Sessions (DFA)



Enable Saving

Enabling this option will allow users to save forms.

They can then come back another day and resume the form from where they left off.

Persist Token

Enable this to try and save the users tokens in their browser.

Session Retention

Temporary Session Retention

Time in days to maintain temporary session data.

  • For example if a user was to upload a file to a form then this file is uploaded to a temporary session storage folder.

  • Once the form is Submitted or Saved the temporary session data is removed.

  • This cleans up forms where a user has loaded the form and then never ended up saving or submitting it.

Submission Retention

Approved Form Retention

Time in days to maintain approved forms. (A submitted form is automatically approved if form review is disabled).

  • After this time the form data and any uploaded files are removed from the system.

  • An entry will still be visible in the forms management page with the submission token, but the values for the form will not be visible and you will be unable to rerun the outputs for the form.

Form Expiry

Time in days that users are able to resume a saved form session.
The user will see an error message if they try and load the form saying it has expired.

Form Deletion

Active Form Retention

Time in days to maintain active forms (A form that has been saved).

  • Active forms will be marked as deleted and have the form data removed.

  • An entry will still be visible in the forms management page with the submission token, but the values for the form will not be visible.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.