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iManage Work CLOUD

The following information details the connectivity and functionality offered by the EzeScan integration with the iManage Work solution. It details the available options and how to configure an EzeScan job into iManage Work.

For information on iManage Work please refer to the iManage website -


EzeScan WebApps

EzeScan WebApps 3.10.x or higher.

iManage Cloud


To add a new built-in integration go to the Integrations Tab on the Admin Panel and on the Built-in tab select Add New. Select iManage Work from the drop-down menu.

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 10.44.43 am.png

Give your connector a name and description. Below you fill fond the information required to fill out the Connection Settings Section.



Connector API Version

Select the Cloud option.

Service URL

If you are using a custom subdomain please enter the URL (e.g., otherwise leave blank.

Customer ID

The customer ID assigned to your organisation in iManage Cloud (e.g. 259).

This can be found by logging into the iManage cloud in a web browser and then navigating to


Library ID

The database to connect to (e.g. ACTIVE).

This can be found in iManage Work Cloud web page as per below.


Access Level

Type of access level:

  • User for normal operations. Default option.

  • Admin for administrative operations such as Supervised Import Mode.

Client ID

Leave this field blank.

Client Secret

Leave this field blank.

Desktop Redirect URI

The URL used for callback to obtain the login result when the browser navigates away from the login web page



Grant Type

Select the Authorization Code option.

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