Directory Observee
Directory observees point at a windows file system.

Name for the observee
A description of this directory and why it is being monitored.
Disabling the observee will prevent users from seeing it.
Included File Extensions
When set only files with these extensions will be included for display. eg (pdf, docx, xlsx)
Excluded File Extensions
Files with these extensions will be excluded from display. eg (xml, exe, txt)
Allow Downloading Files
Enable to allow all users to download files.
Allow Deleting Files
Enable to allow users with admin or manager permissions to delete files.
Exclude Sub-Folders
Only show files that are within the specified directory
Relative or Absolute path of the directory to browse. Subfolders below these paths can also be monitored.
Paths must contain one of the strings specified in the Appdata\settings.xml file in the MTFAllowedPaths node.
Paths are case sensitive ie. MTFAllowedPaths set as C:/temp would allow files to be monitored in physical path C:\temp, but not C:\Temp
Restart EWA App pool or IIS to apply changes to settings.xml prior to configuring the MTF page
For example the path "~/App_Data/RIA/MyPage" would be allowed as it contains the value "~/App_Data"