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The following information details the connectivity and functionality offered by the EzeScan integration with the with the DocuShare EDRMS solution. It details the available options and how to configure an EzeScan job into DocuShare.

For information on DocuShare please refer to the Xerox DocuShare website -

For information on EzeScan please refer to the EzeScan website -

The minimum requirements for DocuShare integration with EzeScan, are:

DocuShare Server version 5.X or higher (up to 6.6.1) with HTTP/XML interface enabled.

Developed for Ezescan Release: 4.3


It is assumed that the operator has read about or is familiar with EzeScan Job, KFI and UPLOAD modules. If not please refer to the EzeScan PRO, KFI and UPLOAD guides. It is also assumed that the operator is experienced with the DocuShare product.

Configuring Connection Settings

When configuring a Job, KFI or Upload to use the DocuShare connector the connection settings panel must be filled in. If only using a single repository, it is recommended that the DocuShare connection settings are configured at workstation level.

  1. Click the Admin menu, choose Workstation Options.
  2. Click the EDRMS tab and choose the DocuShare option from the drop down list that appears.
  3. Enter the following information:
    1. Server - http://docushare server name/path/
    2. Domain - Required only if you need to access a different Domain to access the DocuShare Server (leave blank for the default DocuShare domain).
    3. Proxy – If using a proxy server to get access the DocuShare Server enter the address in here.
    4. Login - This is the username that has access to every folder that you will need to scan to.
    5. Password - The user password that will be needed remembering that it is case sensitive.

Job Settings

There are three ways the EzeScan DocuShare connector can integrate with DocuShare:


The EzeScan to DocuShare Profile Form functionality requires that the EzeScan Workstation be licensed with the EDRMS module.

Output documents using Profile Form

To enable DocuShare output functionality on a Job:

  1. Click Admin and choose Jobs (F6).
  2. Click the Output tab and then choose the DocuShare option from the Other Destination dropdown.
  3. Click the Advanced button.
  4. Complete the connection settings.
  5. Scroll down to the Custom settings section.

Inside the DocuShare integration you can specify different fields and the type of metadata with a character limit and a list that you can populate manually with various results. At the bottom the operator can specify the DocuShare collection.

Import documents using Browser

If there is a requirement to import documents from DocuShare into EzeScan, (e.g. for mark-up/redaction purposes) an EzeScan job can be configured to pull the file from DocuShare. This would usually be a separate EzeScan job - one job to scan and save to DocuShare, then another to import from DocuShare, mark-up/redact and save to resave to DocuShare.


DocuShare Import functionality on a Job is only available when Output to DocuShare is configured - please refer to the section above on how to enable this.

To enable Import File functionality on a Job:

  1. Click Admin and choose Jobs (F6).
  2. Select the Job you want to modify.
  3. Click the Import tab, enable the “Enable Import File Processing" option and then enable the “Import File from EDRMS” option by ticking the box.
  4. To import a file from the DocuShare Server simply select “Import” and EzeScan will connect with the DocuShare server and allow you to browse to the file required and then bring it in to allow the user to re-profile it.

KFI Field Settings

The KFI Field Settings allow the operator to browse into DocuShare during KFI indexing so the operator can then select folders, object types and metadata to be applied to the document.


The following functionality requires that the EzeScan workstation be licensed for the EDRMS as well as KFI and UPLOAD modules.

Enabling browse options

The DocuShare settings must be configured before a KFI field can use the DocuShare browse functionality.

  1. Press F7 to display the KFI form.
  2. Click the EDRMS tab.
  3. Fill in the Connection settings.
  4. Click the Fields tab.
  5. To enable a field to access DocuShare you need to:
    1. Click the edit link under Properties for the field.
    2. Click the DocuShare tab.
    3. Click the Browse button.

Configuring browse parameters

Browse For

This option determines the type of DocuShare Browse that is shown when the Browse button (F3) is pressed during indexing.

Create new file in an existing location onlyWhen ticked this option enables the DocuShare Browse button on the EzeScan Viewer KFI indexing panel. This will allow the KFI operator to choose which DocuShare collection the new document should be placed into as it is stored in DocuShare.
Create new file in an existing or new collectionWhen ticked this option enables the DocuShare Browse button on the EzeScan Viewer KFI indexing panel. This will allow the KFI operator to create a new DocuShare folder, and then create a new file in that folder.
Create new version by replacing an existing version

When ticked this option enables the DocuShare Browse button on the KFI Form. This will allow the KFI verify operator to choose which existing DocuShare document the new document should replace in DocuShare.

Please Note: Even if the KFI is used to populate a name for the file, it will keep the selected file name.

Create new version by prepending/appending to an existing version

When ticked this option enables the DocuShare Browse button on the EzeScan Viewer KFI indexing panel. This will allow the KFI operator to choose which existing DocuShare document the new document should be prepended / appended to. A new version of the existing document will be stored in DocuShare.

Please Note: Even if the KFI is used to populate a name for the file, it will keep the selected file name.

Enable menu item browse button

This option will allow the operator to browse the menu drop down list values of a DocuShare Menu type field. The operator needs to specify the Object Name and metadata field value in the following syntax. i.e. Document||Form_Type

When the operator is KFI indexing, a popup will appear with the DocuShare menu items for the respective field.

Start At Parent Collection (handle || desc)This is used to define the starting point for the browse for document or collection.
DocuShare Search Form Return Value Type

When a KFI operator has selected a result from a search, EzeScan can display the Collection Structure in two ways.

  1. Selected Object Only – This will display the File \ Collection only.
  2. Select Object + Parent Folder - This will display the File \ Collection and also the parent collection. This means the operator can browse back up one folder if required to do so.

This is the DocuShare Search screen that appears when an operator is in KFI mode.

Depending on the DocuShare KFI options selected, the operator can browse Documents and Collections and also can create Collections.

If the operator does not want to browse to the Document or Collection, they can use the Search option. In this screen below the operator can perform their search.

When the search is complete, the operator can select the object that is required.

Upload Settings

The UPLOAD module will obtain the KFI output data to pass into DocuShare saving the document into the respective folder and applying metadata information.


The following functionality requires that the EzeScan Workstation be licensed for the EDRMS and KFI and UPLOAD modules.

Configuring connection parameters

  1. Open the Upload Form (F8).
  2. Choose the Upload Type you want to configure.
  3. On the left hand side in the Upload Properties pane choose DocuShare in the Upload To list.
  4. Fill in the details of the DocuShare server required for the Upload.
  5. Use the Column Names From setting to set the KFI that will be used with the UPLOAD. This will automatically tell the UPLOAD Type what fields it will be looking for.

Configuring built-in upload fields

The following fields will appear after choosing Upload to DocuShare option in the Upload Properties pane. These are the default DocuShare fields. Each field can have its input set using the Source Field cell, noting that the Parent Folder/Document can’t be set to ignore.

Target Field
DocuShare Folder/File

This field is the DocuShare Collection. The operator can set this to a static value which will display a

browse icon which will allow the operator to browse the DocuShare Collection structure and set a static Collection for the UPLOAD.

If the operator would like to supply a dynamic collection then a value of the full path could be supplied. E.g. \EzeScan Demo\Supplier Invoices\<<IF6>>\<<IF7>>

Please refer to the UPLOAD User Guide for information on <<IF>> placeholders.

TitleThis field will become the Title of the uploaded document.
Object Type

This field is to set the Object Type that is going to be applied to the scanned document. Once the document type is applied the operator can use the Auto Populate button to obtain all the fields that the document type contains.

Set the Source Field to static value. Then select the browse button, this will bring up a Select Object Type box.

Select the Object Type and then click ok.

AuthorThis is the DocuShare Author Field for the default Document Object.
DescriptionThis is the DocuShare Description Field for the default Document Object.
KeywordsThis is the DocuShare Keywords Field for the default Document Object.
SummaryThis is the DocuShare Summary Field for the default Document Object.
ollection TypeThis field can be used if EzeScan is automatically creating collections. If a custom collection type is required, set this source field to a static and type in the name of the custom collection type.

Configuring custom document fields

The DocuShare connector can obtain all of the Document Object Types from a DocuShare Server. The Object Type mapping must be set to a valid value for EzeScan to be able to obtain the custom fields of the object type.

Click the Auto Populate button at the bottom of the screen. This will result in the DocuShare connector returning a list of custom fields that relate to the respective Object Type.

It is then a matter of setting the source values of those fields to the target values of the custom fields.

The Auto Populate button appears under the Field Mappings grid.

Applying KFI output data to object field data

To pass through the KFI output data into the Upload module the operator is required to set the source field data to the target field data.

  1. In the Field Mappings Grid the operator can apply the Source Field settings to the Target Field settings to populate the appropriate Target Field with the value picked up from the Corresponding KFI. In the example below the DocuShare Target Field Title is being populated by the KFI Source Field Title.
  2. When all the mappings are complete, click Apply.
  3. Click OK to save the changes.

Routing Settings

The Routing module is another way of configuring EzeScan to use the KFI and UPLOAD modules to upload documents to DocuShare. As it can be configured to run as a windows service it is recommended for jobs that do not require operator intervention. E.g. Automated workflows like barcoding of forms with exception handling enabled so they can be processed on an EzeScan PRO pc.


The following functionality requires that the EzeScan workstation or Server to be licensed for the SERVER product.

Configuring a route to upload

  1. Click Admin and Choose Routing (F9)
  2. Create a new Route and set the mode to “Route using a KFI Field value to match a rule keyword”
  3. In the KFI drop down list, select the KFI that will be used with the Route.
  4. Click Save and then close.
  5. Click Admin and choose KFI (F7)
  6. Select the KFI being used with the Route and go to the Output tab.
  7. Set the UPLOAD to be used with the Route. Example:
  8. Click Apply then OK
  9. Click Admin and Choose Routing (F9)
  10. Go to the Mode tab and confirm that the correct KFI and UPLOAD is being used with the Route type. Example:

Running a Job Using the Profile Form

The following outline how to run a job for saving to DocuShare by using the Profile Form.

  1. To run a job directly into DocuShare with the profile form, confirm that the Other Destination is set to Xerox DocuShare. Please refer to section Output documents using Profile Form on how to set this up.
  2. Click the scan/import or job button to load the image into the EzeScan viewer.
  3. Press the F4 key or click the Profile button to index the document. The Profile into DocuShare screen will appear:
  4. Click Browse to select the Collection the document will be saved to, and click Select Collection.
  5. Fill out the corresponding record details and then click OK.

The document will be saved into DocuShare and the next document will appear in EzeScan for profiling.

Running a Job using KFI and UPLOAD

The following outline how to run a job for saving to DocuShare by using the KFI and UPLOAD modules.

To run a job to DocuShare using the KFI and UPLOAD modules, confirm that the Other Destination is set to KFI and the respective KFI and UPLOAD Types are selected. Please refer to section KFI Field Settings and section Upload Settings for details on how to set this up.

In the example below the KFI\UPLOAD types have been configured for a:

  • Title (Title of document)
  • Collection (Location of Collection)

The image below shows a job using the KFI and upload modules.

To run a job to DocuShare using the KFI and UPLOAD modules:

  1. Click the scan/import or job button to load the image into the EzeScan viewer.
  2. Press the F4 key or click the Profile button to index the document. The KFI screen will appear below the page view.
  3. The operator can then enter the Title.
  4. When complete the operator can press Enter or click the
    to move to the next field.
  5. After the operator has completed the Title field, the next field will appear.
  6. The operator will be prompted to search and select a Collection. Press F3 (KFI Browse) or click the browse button next to left of the field.
  7. When complete, press Enter and the submit button will highlight.
  8. Press Enter or click Submit.
  9. The document will be saved into the respective DocuShare Collection and metadata applied.


There is sample DocuShare KFI / UPLOAD jobs in the downloads section on the EzeScan web site (DocuShare KFI UPLOAD Demo).

Running a job using SERVER Routing

The following outline how to run a job for saving to DocuShare by using SERVER Routing.

The Routing module can be run in two ways:

  1. In the EzeScan UI by selecting Admin -> Routing, selecting the respective Route and clicking the Run Routing button.
    • This is good for testing or troubleshooting issues.
  2. As a windows service.
    • To do this the EzeScan_Routing service must be installed and started.

Please refer to the EzeScan Routing Guide on how to install and run the service.

Display Record Number After Saving Record

To enable this setting, please refer to the How to articles.

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