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122. How can I make EzeScan DESKTOP run faster?

📘 Consider the following…

  1. Upgrade to the latest release - we frequently optimise our application code to improve performance.

  2. Check your EzeScan DESKTOP job/route settings and disable any unnecessary settings - generally speaking, fewer options ticked means faster processing.

  3. If you think your processing is still slow, what are you comparing it to? Does your comparison make sense?

  4. Are you running on old hardware with an ancient operating system? Consider upgrading to a 64-bit version of Windows.

  5. If your scanner throughput is slow, consider buying a much faster scanner.

  6. If your PC takes a long time to perform image enhancements, try using a faster CPU or doing fewer enhancements.

  7. If Your PC takes a long time to profile documents, try using a faster CPU to speed things up.

  8. If you have a slow 5400 RPM HDD or 7200 RPM disk drive consider upgrading to an SSD.


If you have a fast computer with plenty of fast RAM, and an SSD and you think EzeScan is still running slow, then email we'll see if we can help work out why.

What difference could a hardware update make?

Take a look at the real-life example below.

Real-Life Hardware Upgrade Example:

Our office admin staff use EzeScan DESKTOP everyday to scan and process incoming documents. Each admin person uses a high-speed Canon DR9050C or DR7550C scanner. Our previous technology refresh was back in 2012. It was time for an upgrade and we were interested to see just how much quicker EzeScan DESKTOP would run after the PC hardware was given an update.

So in June 2015, we refreshed our office Admin PCs from Intel I5 -2300 CPU, 8GB ram, Windows 7 64 bit, 120GB OCZ Vertex3 SSD to Intel i7-4970K CPU, 16GB ram, Windows 7 64 bit, 500GB Samsung EVO 850 SSD.

A CPU benchmark comparison of the CPUs shows the Intel core i5-2300 @ 2.80Ghz gets a score of

5,289 whilst the Intel core i7-4790K @ 4.0 GHz gets a score of 11,236.

Based on the CPU benchmark figures shown above we might think that a program run on the i7 CPU might run just over twice as fast (take less than 1/2 the time to complete a task)  when compared to running on the i5 CPU.

To find out whether that would be the case we ran an EzeScan DESKTOP test on the I5 and the i7 configurations, recording how long it took to scan 452 pages, enhance 452 pages and profile 309 pages.

The scan results were:

  • Scan with i5-2300 – 452 Pages in 170 seconds  (Colour, Duplex, 300 dpi, Auto papersize)

  • Scan with I7-4790K – 452 Pages in 167 seconds (Colour, Duplex, 300 dpi, Auto papersize)

It was only 3 seconds faster. 0.0176 times faster. It was clear from this that the major portion of the scan time is spent waiting for images from the scanner.

Doubling our CPU performance barely sped up scanning. The limiting factor is the ipm (images per minute) rating of the scanner.

If you need fast scanner throughput buy the fastest scanner you can afford! We don't, so we will keep our Canon Dr90650C and DR7550C scanners for now.

The image enhancement results were:

  • Enhance with i5-2300 – 452 pages in 412 seconds (6 minutes 52 seconds).

  • Enhance with i7-4790K – 452 pages in 276 seconds (4 minutes 36 seconds.

It was 136 seconds faster, 0.33 times faster.

Doubling the CPU performance has cut the enhancement processing time by 1/3. This is a great improvement. Well worth doing the H/W Upgrade.

After enhancement, there were 309 pages left out of the 452 scanned (we scanned in duplex, with delete blank pages turned on during image enhancement)

The profile results were:

  • Profile 309 pages on the  i5-2300 – took 586 seconds (9 minutes 46 seconds).

  • Profile 309 pages on the  i7-4790K – took 305 seconds (5 minutes 5 seconds).

It was 281 seconds faster, 0.479  times faster.

Doubling the CPU performance has cut the enhancement processing time by nearly 1/2. This is a great improvement. Well worth doing the H/W Upgrade.

What did we conclude from these tests?

  • If the scanner runs slow then get a faster scanner (because upgrading the CPU will most likely only have a minimal effect on increasing scanner speed)

  • Installing a faster CPU will make EzeScan image enhancement run faster.

  • Installing a faster CPU will make EzeScan profiling run much faster.

Disclaimer: The figures provided in this example were what we experienced on our hardware only. Other hardware configurations and EzeScan configurations may experience different results.

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