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52. What are the minimum hardware / software specifications required to install and run EzeScan software?

EzeScan DESKTOP / SERVER specifications can change depending on your scanning requirements. A suitable machine for scanning large volumes of colour documents will differ from a machine intended mainly for black & white scanning or KFI indexing. Please feel free to contact us if you require more assistance with specifying your EzeScan DESKTOP hardware.

EzeScan DESKTOP software can be deployed on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows operating systems. There are some conditions which apply:

  • On 32-bit Windows operating systems you must only install the 32 bit version of EzeScan DESKTOP.

  • On 64-bit Windows operating systems, you can install either the 32 bit version of EzeScan DESKTOP or the 64 bit version.

  • The 32 bit version of EzeScan DESKTOP will only work with 32-bit TWAIN scanner drivers.

  • The 64 bit version of EzeScan DESKTOP will only work with 64 bit TWAIN scanner drivers.

  • Please note that older scanner models may not include 64 Bit TWAIN scanner drivers, so they won't work with the 64 Bit Version of EzeScan DESKTOP.


Below is a minimum specification for EzeScan DESKTOP installations.

Windows Operating System Versions supported are:

  • Microsoft Windows 10/ or Windows 11

Version 5.0

  • Intelâ„¢ Core i7 3.06 GHz i7-950 or AMD equivalent processor

  • 8GB Ram 

  • 250GB SSD

  • 1000 Mbps Ethernet (for network scanners or to store to EDRMS / network repositories)

  • A video controller with at least 512MB RAM

  • Monitor supporting at least 1600 x 1280 pixel resolution

  • Microsoft Windows client operating systems that support Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.8 and above.

  • USB connection for scanner (latest scanners use USB3, older scanners use USB2)

  • A TWAIN or ISIS compliant scanner (please refer to our supported scanner list).

Version 4.3

  • Intelâ„¢ Core i7 3.06 GHz i7-950 or AMD equivalent processor

  • 8GB Ram 

  • 250GB SSD

  • 1000 Mbps Ethernet (for network scanners or to store to EDRMS / network repositories)

  • A video controller with at least 512MB RAM

  • Monitor supporting at least 1600 x 1280 pixel resolution

  • Microsoft Windows client operating systems that support Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.1 and above.

  • USB connection for scanner (latest scanners use USB3, older scanners use USB2)

  • A TWAIN or ISIS compliant scanner (please refer to our supported scanner list)

For high volume production environments we recommend the fastest quad core Intel CPU (with hyperthreading). The latest i7 5th generation CPU's perform well. Minimum of 16GB of RAM. We recommend using a motherboard that supports the RAM operating at 2133GHZ. The operating system should be run from an SSD, not a HDD or a hybrid HDD/SSD.

Please note: Installing EzeScan DESKTOP on poorly spec'ed equipment may compromise processing speed. We highly recommend using the minimum specifications as listed above.  For production environments, in particular when processing large documents we recommend using EzeScan SERVER to carry out document enhancements and OCR as a background task.


Below is a minimum specification for an EzeScan SERVER (Routing).

Windows Operating System Versions supported are:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server 2022 or higher.

Version 5.0

  • Intel Xeon CPU or AMD equivalent  (2 cores running at 2.00Ghz minimum)

  • 8GB Ram 

  • 250GB HDD, preferably SSD.

  • 1000 Mbps Ethernet (for network scanners or to store to EDRMS / network repositories)

  • Microsoft Windows Server operating systems that support Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.8 and above.

  • For the 64-bit version the recommended backing database (for KFI Lookups, etc.) is the builtin SQLite package, instead of Microsoft's Access Data Components.

Version 4.3

  • Intel Xeon CPU or AMD equivalent  (2 cores running at 2.00Ghz minimum)

  • 8GB Ram 

  • 250GB HDD, preferably SSD.

  • 1000 Mbps Ethernet (for network scanners or to store to EDRMS / network repositories)

  • Microsoft Windows Server operating systems that support Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.1 and above.

Note: This is for a single instance of EzeScan SERVER. Additional instances may be required to provide acceptable processing speeds. The additional instance(s) will require more RAM (a minimum of 16GB of RAM should be installed when running 2-3 instances)

For high volume production environments we recommend deploying a server that supports multiple CPU's.  Choose the fastest clock speed Intel E5-2600 version 3 CPU's (with hyperthreading) and the maximum number of cores that you can afford. Minimum 32GB of RAM per CPU installed. Use the highest speed RAM that will operate with the CPU. The operating system should be run from an SSD, not a HDD or a hybrid HDD/SSD.

EzeScan WebApps

Important Note: EzeScan WebApps requires the use of a SQL database.  The product comes configured with a lightweight SQLite database that is only suitable for demonstration purposes only (i.e. single user, low document volumes). For production use (i.e. multi user, high document volumes) the customer is responsible for procuring MS SQL (either MS SQL Server Express Edition or MS SQL Server Standard/Enterprise Edition 2017+) to use with their instance of WebApps software.

Please see the documentation for other system requirements:

EzeScan Authority Server

Below is a minimum specification for an EzeScan Authority Server. The EzeScan Authority server is a management tool used to centralise licensing and configurations.

  • A minimum of two cores.

  • Microsoft Windows operating systems supporting Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 and above

  • Two open ports for the client and server to communicate (default is 32356 and 32380 and the installer will create the local firewall rule)

  • HTTPS (SSL) usage will require a web server certificate in the format of pfx (a Public, Private or self-signed certificate can be utilised), alternatively the EzeScan Authority web services can be delivered unencrypted via HTTP noting modern web browsers tend to block unencrypted HTTP connections.

  • Windows Server 2016 is the minimum operating system required for HTTPS support due to required encryption ciphers are not included in earlier Microsoft Server operating systems.

 Information Links for Microsoft .Net, .Net Core and Windows 10 versioning

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