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The Users section of the admin panel is used to configure the following:

Local Users

When in local users authentication mode this tab can be used to create the local users of the system.

Users require the following properties:

  • Username

  • Display Name

  • Email Address

  • Password

Use the Bulk Upload button to bulk create users from a csv file. (Your csv file must match the format of the template file which is available on the modal.)

To reset a local users password you would find the user in the list and click Edit. When the edit user modal appears enter a new password and click Save.

User Profiles

The user profiles tab displays our cache of any users that have interacted with the system.

User profiles are created and updated when a user logs into the application.

Admin users can view the following user settings for each profile:

  • Notifications

  • Delegates

  • Defined Values

Admin Users

Use this tab to configure admin users for the system.


Use this tab to configure the groups within the application.

Groups can be created and managed manually or synced from your authentication provider.

When syncing from an authentication provider you can sync all groups or alternatively only selected groups that match the configured sync rules.

This would sync all groups from the authentication provider that start with “EzeScan”.

User Defined Values

User defined values are custom values that get assigned to each user profile in the system.

Values can be set manually or synced from the available claims.





The identifier to use for the value.

This gets used to access the value in placeholders such as: {{user["udv.department"]}}

Once saved cannot be changed.


When enabled this user defined value will be visible on their user settings page.

Enable Sync

When enabled this will sync the value for this field with a claim the user has been issued from the authentication provider.

Claim mapping

Claim mapping value to sync with.

When using a supported authentication provider this will contain a list of supported claims.

If visible then use the advanced option to specify a custom option.

Default Value

The initial value to use if a user has not set the value yet or a claim is not found when syncing is enabled.

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