Google Drive
Currently our Google Drive integration only supports uploading files with user interaction and not as an automated background process.
1. Configure settings in Google Admin Panel
1 | Navigate to the Google Cloud Console and login as an account that has permissions to manage the Google Workspace. |
2 | Create a new project named “EzeScan WebApps” |
3 | On the left menu select APIs & Services > Library |
4 | Scroll down and click on the Google Drive API tile and then click the Enable button |
5 | On the left menu Select OAuth consent screen |
6 | Select the Internal option and then click Create |
7 | Enter the required information and then scroll down and click the Save and Continue button App Name: EzeScan WebApps User support email: Select an email address in the dropdown. Email addresses: Same email address as above |
8 | Click the Add or Remove Scopes button |
9 | Add the following scopes and then click Save and Continue API: Google Drive API Scope: …/oauth/drive |
10 | Confirm all of the information and then click the Back to Dashboard button |
11 | On the left menu click Credentials |
12 | Click the Create Credentials button and select the OAuth client ID option |
13 | Enter the following information and then click Create Application Type: Web application Name: EzeScan WebApps Authorized redirect URIs: https://{hostname_for_ewa_installation}/api/integrations/oAuthCallback For EzeScan Cloud the redirect URI would be: https://{tenant} where you would replace {tenant} with your tenant name. |
14 | Write down the Client ID and Client secret to somewhere safe for use in later steps. |
2. Configure Google Drive Connector in EzeScan WebApps
1 | Navigate to the Admin panel of your EzeScan WebApps installation |
2 | On the left menu select Integrations |
3 | Select the Integration Services tab |
4 | Click Add New > Googe Drive |
5 | Enter the following information and click the Create button Name: Google Drive Description: Connection to Google Drive Client ID: Client ID that was generated in the Google Cloud Console in the steps above Client Secret: Client ID that was generated in the Google Cloud Console in the steps above Redirect URI: https://{hostname_for_ewa_installation}/api/integrations/oAuthCallback For EzeScan Cloud the redirect URI would be: https://{tenant} where you would replace {tenant} with your tenant name. |
6 | Click the Edit button to open the connection you just created which will reopen the modal |
7 | Click the Test Login button and the following modal will appear. Click the Sign In button. |
8 | A Sign in with Google window will appear, please sign in with your administrative user. |
9 | Click Allow on the consent window |
10 | Confirm you see a success message in the top right of the admin panel |