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Thumbnail Menu

EzeScan provides a right click pop-up menu for image editing operations on objects loaded into the Thumbnail Panel
Position the mouse above a thumbnail image and click the right hand mouse button.
The following menu will be displayed:


The following table explains each of these functions:

Menu option


Rotate Page(s)

This menu provides the following options for rotating pages:

  • Left 90° – This rotates the images 90 degrees anti-clockwise

  • Right 90° – This rotates the images 90 degrees clockwise

  • 180° – This rotates the image upside down

  • Other – Rotate via a custom amount. The following prompt will be displayed:


Negative numbers rotate left (anti-clockwise) and positive numbers rotate right (clockwise).

  • Using OCR - OCR is used to rotate the document based on the angle of the OCR'd text. Good for text documents that are upside down or sideways.


The cleanup menu contains the following options related to the cleanup of images:

  • Adjust Image Brightness - Allows making the image brighter or darker and also changing the colour levels of the image. Use the sliders to make adjustments as required, and then choose either Reset, OK or Cancel to continue.

  • Binarise (Auto Detection) - Will automatically convert a colour image to black and white if doing so would not significantly alter the colours represented in the image.

  • Binarise (Force to Grayscale 8bit) - Converts an image to a 8bit grayscale.

  • Clean-up-> Binarise (Force to BW) - Converts an image to black and white.

  • Deskew - Correct orientate an image that is slightly skewed

  • Despeckle Fine - Eliminates noise (single pixels) from a document image (typically scanned).

  • Despeckle Rough - Eliminates noise more aggressively (up to 3x3 pixels) from a document image (typically scanned).

  • Erase Border - Prompts to select an amount of pixels to erase around the border of an image without changing the size of the image.

  • Remove Border - Prompts to select an amount of pixels to remove from the edges of an image, thus reducing its size.

  • Negate - Inverts the colour of an image (e.g black becomes white and white becomes black)

  • Mirror - Reverses the pixels of an image horizontally

  • Resize - Allows changing the image dimensions, paper size or DPI.

  • All Job Enhancements - Applies the viewer enhancement profile and all its configured image enhancements.


Starts the profiling of the first document in the batch (when auto profiling is turned off) or the profiling of all documents in the batch (when auto profiling is turned on).

Append Pages
(After Last Page)

Append pages at the end of the batch. The appropriate dialog (e.g File Open, Scan, etc) will display depending on the possible actions allowed by the current job.

Insert Pages
(Before Current Page)

Insert pages into the batch. The appropriate dialog (e.g File Open, Scan, etc) will display depending on the possible actions allowed by the current job.

Replace Pages

Replace pages in the batch. The appropriate dialog (e.g File Open, Scan, etc) will display depending on the possible actions allowed by the current job. Useful for replacing only part of a batch to resolve a scanning issue.

Move Pages

Move pages To another location in the batch. The Move Pages dialog will be launched with the Starting Page textbox automatically set to the currently selected page number.


Reverse Pages

Reverses the order of the selected pages.


The Delete menu encompasses the following options for page removal:

  • Pages - Delete the selected pages. The following range prompt will appear when no pages are selected.


To unselect the current thumbnail after selecting it, press the space bar key before right-clicking to bring up the thumbnail context menu.

  • Document - Deletes all pages of the document that the current page is a member of (including the current page).

  • Delete Remaining Pages (Including This Page) - Delete the Current Selected Page and all pages below it.

  • Blank Pages - Delete all pages found to be blank using the settings from the current Enhancement profile defined for the job.

Duplicate Page(s)

The currently selected pages will be duplicated and inserted after the last selected page.

Copy Pages

The currently selected pages will be copied for pasting.

The copied pages will be cleared when the batch is closed.

Paste Pages (before current page)

Pastes copied pages before the currently selected page.

Paste Pages (after current page)

Pastes copied pages after the currently selected page.


The Separators menu encompasses the following options relating to document separator pages:

  • Insert (before current page) - Inserts a separator page, marking the current page as the start of a document.

  • Insert (after current page) - Inserts a separator page, marking the current page as the end of a document.

  • Append (after last page) - Adds a separator page at the end of the batch, allowing additional pages to be later appended as a new document.

  • Replace (the current page) - Removes the current page and replaces it with a document separator page, marking the separation between two documents.

  • Set/Clear Page as Separator - Toggles between whether a page is marked as a separator or a document page.

  • Save as Separator - Saves the current page to be used as a custom separator for the above separator actions.

Separator actions are only available when the Job has the Profiling options Use Batch Profiling set and Batch document detection methods set to Separator pages.

Alternatively these options can be made available by checking Always allow inserting separator pages on the Viewer tab of Workstation Options.

  • Insert Barcode Separator (before current page) - Inserts a barcode separator page, marking the current page as the start of a document.

  • Insert Barcode Separator (after current page) - Inserts a separator page, marking the current page as the end of a document.

  • Append Barcode Separator (after last page) - Adds a separator page at the end of the batch, allowing additional pages to be later appended as a new document.

  • Save as Barcode Separator - Saves the current page to be used as a custom barcode separator for the above separator actions.

Barcode separator actions are only available when the Job has the Profiling options Use Batch Profiling set and Batch document detection methods set to Barcode.

Alternatively these options can be made available by checking Always allow inserting barcode separator pages on the Viewer tab of Workstation Options.

Send Page to 2nd Viewer

Open the current image in another EzeScan viewer window (for view only). Multiple pages can be displayed with this option, each in their own viewer window. Useful where there are multiple monitors in place.

Set as the Last Page of the First Document

Select all pages in the document up to the currently selected thumbnail.

For Fixed Page Count and Barcode Separator mode only

Include All Pages in the First Document

Ensures the entire batch is treated as a single document.

For Fixed Page Count and Barcode Separator mode only

Clear all manual separations

Reverts all manually applied document separators applied with the two previous menu options.

For Fixed Page Count and Barcode Separator mode only

Undo All

This will undo all changes made to the scanned document.

Redo All

This will redo all changes made to the scanned document.

Print All

Launch a print screen from which you can select to print either the currently selected page, or all pages, with or without annotations.


Displays an information dialog with image and batch properties (e.g dimensions, DPI, colour type)

Most of the above options will either work on the selected pages or will show a prompt similar to the following when only a single page is selected.

  • Current applies to the currently selected page.

  • First Document applies to all the pages of the first document (only the thumbnails with a yellow border)

  • All Pages applies to all the currently loaded pages.

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