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TechnologyOne ECM - OAuth Authentication

OAuth is the recommend authentication method for CiAnywhere sites where SAML is configured. This method requires an OAuth IdP Client to be configured in ECM → Site Settings → Authentication. Please contact TechnologyOne for further details on how to do this.

OAuth Connection Settings



Grant Type

  • Authorization Code - users will be prompted to sign into TechnologyOne in the web browser and all API operations are invoked on-behalf of that user. If using a SAML provider such as Azure AD this will navigate the user to the respective provider to complete the sign-in process. This option is recommended for EzeScan Desktop usage.

  • Client Credentials - the application is authenticated as a service account without displaying a login page. This option is recommended for EzeScan Server usage where no user interaction is possible.

Client ID

The Client ID of the OAuth IdP Client configured in CiAnywhere.

Client Secret

The Client Secret of the OAuth IdP Client configured in CiAnywhere.

Redirect URL

Only required when using Authorization Code grant type. This URL must be registered in the OAuth IdP Client configured in CiAnywhere otherwise the sign-in process will fail.

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