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KFI Placeholders

KFI Field placeholders are values that can be used in KFI fields that are used during run time. e.g. KFI field 2 could do a lookup on KFI field 1
The KFI field placeholders are used as follows:


where this is KFI Field 1


where this is KFI Field 2

  1. System placeholders (<<S?>>) can also be used in the KFI module. Please refer to the EzeScan PRO User Guide - System Placeholders Section for a details.

Calculated Placeholders

To add two numeric fields in KFI <<=F1+F2>> Subtract (-), Multiply (×), and divide (/) are also supported.
Prefix calculations with [0.00] to ensure always 2 decimal places <<=[0.00]F1+F2>>

  1. Only numeric field values are supported and empty field values are treated as 0 in equations.

Other KFI Placeholders


This will display the job scanning settings. E.g. settings on the Jobs -> Scan Tab
An example would be Default; FUJITSU fi-6670dj; 300 DPI; ADF; Dplx; BW; A4; Th 128; Co 128


This will display the job enhancement settings. E.g. the settings on the Jobs -> Enhancement Tab
An example would be Dskw Normal; Dspk 1x1


Conditional Line Break
Designed to insert a new line, remove any preceding new lines and can be used to clear out blank lines from data.
E.g. if you output <<F1>><<CBR>><<F2>><<CBR>><<F3>> you would get
as separate lines, but if <<F2>> was blank you would just get <<F1>> and <<F3>> on separate lines - the <<CBR>><<F2>><<CBR>> part would return just one new line.
Will also not insert a new line if <<CBR>> is at the very end of the text and multiple <<CBR>> will be replaced with a single new line if they are not separated by any text.


Non-Conditional Line Break
Will always insert a line break at its point of use, multiple concurrent instances like <<BR>><<BR>><<BR>> will insert multiple line breaks, three in the example.


This will display the current operating system of where EzeScan is currently running on.


This will display the current version of EzeScan that is running.


This is the KFI index file name.
This can also be used in the following formats

  • <<INDEXFILE(PATH)>> the folder part without the filename
  • <<INDEXFILE(NAME)>> filename
  • <<INDEXFILE(BASE)>> filename without extension
  • <<INDEXFILE(EXT)>> just the extension
  • <<INDEXFILE(-EXT)>> is the full path without the extension
  1. <<IndexFile2>> <<IndexFile3>> can be used if additional index files are configured


Used for reporting on the size of the input document

  • Will display file size in Bytes e.g. 1,327,437 bytes
  • Will display file size in Kilobytes e.g. 1,296 KB
  • Will display file size in Megabytes e.g. 1.27 MB
  • Will display file size in Gigabytes e.g. 0.001 GB


Placeholder which returns the time the document was imported (if the first doc) or the time we finished processing the previous document (if a following doc in the same file)

  • Output will look like this - 9/03/2017 16:27:56


Used to report the current time

  • Output will look like this - 9/03/2017 16:28:23
  • Can be formatted for time only - <<Now(hh:mm:ss)>> = 16:28:23


Placeholder which returns the total seconds between DocStartTime and Now

  1. This placeholder is only available during the output stage) (in seconds)
  • Output will look like this - 26.83


Used during the output process for reporting the output document size

  • Will display file size in Bytese.g. 1,737,201 bytes
  • Will display file size in Kilobytes e.g. 1,696 KB
  • Will display file size in Megabytes e.g. 1.66 MB
  • Will display file size in Gigabytes e.g. 0.002 GB


This option can be used in the Value tab > Custom Extract and the Processing tab > Tooltip Message setting.
It allows a previous field ODBC result to be displayed.

  • Replace "F1" with the Field number doing the ODBC Search
  • Replace "Column" with the actual column name from the ODBC search.


This option is the recognition confidence % result of a field.
For example, field one may be doing OCR. If the operator wanted to see the % confidence (in a field value) then this placeholder can be used.
In another field -> Custom Extract you would put <<RC1>> where 1 is the field number doing the recognition.


This is the profile result that was used for a discovery field. To use this placeholder put into the custom extract and suffix the field number. For example, for Field 1 <<DiscoveryResult1>>, Field 2 <<DiscoveryResult2>> and so on.

<<(Rotated Page Count)>>

This will show how many pages in the current document have been rotated from the original import file.

<<GridInputDoc>>Inserts the name of the Input Document that was used. Only available when building line items rows in the KFI output data.
<<GridOutputDoc>>Inserts the name of the Output Document that was used for Line Items recognition. Only available when building line items rows in the KFI output data.
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