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Basic/simple Line Items job

  1. It is assumed that you have the skills to create the Job and KFI. This example only focuses on the Line Items functionality.

About the job

This very basic job will process 1 or more single page invoices and create 3 different types of output files.

  1. PDF File for each scanned/imported invoice

  2. Header File (CSV "combined" format) for all invoices captured

  3. Line Items File (CSV format) for each invoice

The set-up does not utilise any advanced type of settings, including using discovery to capture the invoices details. It's very basic & uses manual captured.

See Advanced Line Items job example for advanced setting example

Setting up the Job

The EzeScan Job imports 1 or more invoice pages

  • The job creates a PDF file for each invoice in the default output folder

    • Naming convention of files is Invoice # <<F5>> from <<F2>> dated <<F4>>

Setting up the KFI

The EzeScan KFI has 9 fields:

  1. ABN <<F1>>uses zone pen to capture the details; removes the spaces

  2. Supplier Name <<F2>>uses zone pen to capture the details

  3. Order Number <<F3>>uses zone pen to capture the details

  4. Invoice Date <<F4>>uses zone pen to capture the details; formatted date to DD-MM-YYYY

  5. Invoice Number <<F5>>uses zone pen to capture the details

  6. Gross Total <<F6>>uses zone pen to capture the details; removes the $ symbol

  7. Tax Total <<F7>>uses zone pen to capture the details; removes the $ symbol

  8. Sub (Net) Total <<F8>>uses zone pen to capture the details; removes the $ symbol

  9. Line Items <<F9>>captured <<GridValues>>

KFI Output tab -

  • Combined output file On

  • Custom Format On

    • Quote Values On

    • In the File Format pane click Data. In the fields to check select all except Line Items. (Line Items data will be output in a separate CSV file)

    • Click Add Columns (Data and Header rows are automatically populated)

  • Custom Name - Header file for invoices processed <<S3(DD-MM-YYYY)>>

  • Type CSV

  • Extension CSV

  • Click OK to Save

There is no Upload associated to this set-up.

  • Files are exported to the default output folder set in the Job: C:\ProgramData\Outback Imaging\EzeScan\Output\<<JOB>>

Field 9 Line Items set-up - in KFI

After creating all KFI fields (above) the Line Items field needs to be configured

To enable Grid processing set Format tab Data Settings to Grid

A Grid Settings tab appears after the Format tab. Click the tab then Grid Settings button

Output tab

  • Output Headers On

  • enable Grid to Separate Output File set format CSV

  • File Name set to Line Items Inv# <<F5>> from <<F2>> dated <<F4>>.CSV

  • Quote Output On

View tab

  • Untick all options

Running the job

  1. Click Import to browse the available PDF or TIF file containing single invoice pages

  2. Select files & Open

  3. Press F4 to profile and use the "Zone Pen" capture tool to capture each field

  1. When you press enter after completing the Sub (Net) Total field the Line Items function will automatically open the Grid processing for Line Items window

  2. In this example below the first attempt to locate the line items grid (in yellow) identified the incorrect area as shown at right.

  1. It is fairly easy to address; click on the Define option and drag your cursor over the required grid area

  1. The Grid area to select does not include values such as Subtotal, Tax, or Total which are captured as Header field values F6, 7 , and 8.

  1. EzeScan will then re-process the grid and present the line items as shown in the following image

Additional alignment work may be required as outlined below

EzeScan will attempt to identify the invoice grid but may need some manipulation as shown in the steps below from the image

a. The header is identified which display in the Results section at bottom of window

b. The line items are identified which display in the Results section at bottom of window

c. Some lines may not be picked up. They are easily added by right mouse clicking between the lines and selecting Insert row. The new rows will appear in the Results section as they are added

d. Some columns may not be in the correct place. They are easily moved by clicking on the line and dragging it to the appropriate location. New column lines may also be added by right mouse clicking on the required location and selecting Insert Column.

If the initial grid detection has located the correct table location it is not necessary to click Define. Position adjustment of the active rows and columns in yellow, as well as adding or removing columns and rows can be performed. The captured grid output will dynamically update in Results as the grid lines are modified.

  1. You may need to make slight adjustments to the details in the Results section, such as spelling etc. The fields are generally highlighted in   yellow  

  2. Once all of the Results items are looking good click on the Submit/OK button and you will return to the Profiling window.

  3. Click Submit to complete the process.

There are 3 output files created by the process:

Header File (CSV) - viewed in Notepad

Header File (CSV) - viewed in MS Excel

  1. Opening the CSV file using MS Excel may actually change the formatting of the values such as dates & currency. Take extreme care if doing this - do not make any changes and/or save the file when closing it.

Line Items File (CSV) - viewed in Notepad

Line Items File (CSV) - viewed in MS Excel

  1. Opening the CSV file using MS Excel may actually change the formatting of the values such as dates & currency. Take extreme care if doing this - do not make any changes and/or save the file when closing it.

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