When creating a new KFI to use the Profiler table created in the Authority Tables Lookups you use SQL statements to bring the details back. To get this functionality working you must have the Workstation Options set to point at the Authority Server. SO on the EzeScan clients…
Close the button screen (bottom RH corner of window
Select Admin > Workstation Options
Select the Config tab
Add the Authority Server URL
Click the Test button
Tick the Use Lookup tables hosted on Authority Server box
Click Save to complete the process
Figure 55 - setting up the Authority Tables link on the EzeScan client PC
Backup EzeScan once the set-up is completed and roll it out to the other PC's using EzeScan OR update the configs on the Authority Server
Using the table values in a KFI on an EzeScan Client
Once that the EzeScan client is configured to use the Authority Server Lookup tables (as per previous section above) the KFI can utilise the tables via SQL statements.
Create a field and select edit
Go to the Format tab, tick the Populate Using ODBC box and click the ODBC button
Tick the Use a Lookup box and select the Connector options
Add the SQL statement including the table name, for example: Select DISTINCT [Category] from [Profiler_General] Order by [Category]
This is covered in full detail in the EzeScan KFI User Guide.
Updating Authority Lookups in the EzeScan Client
The easiest way to edit existing values or add new rows to the table is via the EzeScan Client.
This process will update the master table on the Authority Server so it should only be maintained by the staff who are authorised to do so. Please refer to the EzeScan KFI User Guide for details on how to apply security passwords.
Close the button screen (bottom RH corner of window
Select Admin > KFI Lookups
Select the table which requires editing
Make your changes
Click Apply Changes button
Click Apply button
Click OK button
Figure 56 - editing a lookup table in the EzeScan Client SOME IMPORTANT NOTES
You cannot delete columnsdo this in the Authority Server
You cannot create columnsdo this in the Authority Server
You can create new rows in the table
It may be possible that data converted by the imported CSV file may be converted into a date format. This is a CSV issue and can only be fixed in the Lookup set (shown in Figure 56 above)
An example would be a folder/container number e.g. 16/4 was converted to 16-Apr and needs to be changed back (shown in Figure 56 above)
If there are multiple edits and/or additions it may pay to export the Authority Lookup table from the Authority Server (to a CSV) and make the edits in a spreadsheet (a lot easier) then replace the table. Refer to the How do I do a bulk update of a table on page for details.
How do I do a bulk update of a table?
Export the Table to a CSV
Open the Authority Server in your browser and go to the Tables tab
Select the table to be exported
Click the Export as CSV option
The CSV should be exported to you nominated windows for or the Downloads folder on your PC
Figure 57 - Exporting a table to CSV
Locate the CSV file and make your additions and/or changes
Save the file ready for re-importing
Do not change the column names. If you do you will then need to change any KFI SQL statements which use those column names; otherwise the KFI will fail!
It may be possible that data converted by the imported CSV file may be converted into a date format. This is a CSV issue and can be prevented by importing the CSV file into Excel as Text data, see here for the process, otherwise an affected item can be resolved in the Lookup set itself (shown in Figure 56 above)
An example would be a folder/container number e.g. 16/4 was converted to 16-Apr and needs to be changed back (shown in Figure 56 above)
Re-importing the modified CSV file
You must "drop" the existing table in the Authority Server prior to re-importing the CSV file.
Configuring the EzeScan client to use an ID counter
Workstation options - Config tab
Close the button screen (bottom RH corner of window)
Select Admin > Workstation Options
Select the Config tab
Add the Authority Server URL
Click the Test button
Click Save to complete the process
Figure 60 - setting up the Authority Tables link on the EzeScan client PC
Backup EzeScan once the set-up is completed and roll it out to the other PC's using EzeScan OR update the configs on the Authority Server
Configuring an EzeScan Client for Batch / Document ID counters
You must have created the Batch ID and Document ID Counters on the Authority Server prior to undertaking this task.
Set up in an EzeScan Job
A job which utilises the batching process needs these options set…
If using Batch IDs (without Document ID option)
Do this
Use Auto Naming
Set your own Base Filename field value or leave the default (Image_)
Next No. field set to 1 (number will increment with each scan/import)
Figure 61 - set the fields on the Output tab as shown above
Select the Batch ID Counter from the list
Figure 62 - choose the Batch ID from the list & leave Doc ID set to (none)
If using Document IDs (together with Batch ID option)
Do this
Use Auto Naming
Base Filename field set to blank (empty)
Next No. field set to 0
Figure 63 - set the fields on the Output tab as shown above
Select the Batch ID name from the list (e.g. Batches)
Select the Document ID name from the list (e.g. Batch_Doc_Counter)
Figure 64 - choose the Document ID from the list
The job output tab should be set to output a TIF file and also to the nominated KFI (details below) and to a network drive which then be accessible by the operators who will be processing the batches.
The output folder could be set to the Authority Server, keeping all EzeScan items together
Set up in an EzeScan KFI
The KFI example below has been set-up to create new batches in a nominated network folder. It also has been set to create document names using the Document ID functionality shown above.
Do this
Batch Number
Custom Extract set to <<(Server Batch ID)>>
Automatically move to the next field after processing
Document Number
Custom Extract set to <<(Server Document ID)>>
Automatically move to the next field after processing
Use Output Value set to As Part of Output File Name
Batch Name
Populate Using ODBC
Click ODBC button
Use a Lookup
Build List at each KFI Startup
SQL Statement = Select [BatchName] from [BatchNames]
Where values are taken from the Authority Lookup Table called BatchNames
This creates a pull down list for the operator to select from.
Reuse Previous Value
Add Prefix to Output Value: <<Batch Number>>_
Add Suffix to Output Value: _ <<(Date Processed)(YYYYMMDD)>>_<<(Operator Name)>>
Figure 65 - set the Output values
Use Output Value set to As Sub-Folder Name
Automatically submit document after processing
The processed documents in the above example KFI will look something like this… Figure 66 - example of what output would look like using the above config
Workstation options - Jobs tab
Setting the Generate Batch Identifiers & Generate Document Indentifiers at the workstation level may cause confusion as every document which is processed will increment the number. This may cause confusion as it may appear that documents have been missed (gaps between numbers) because every document processed will take the next batch/document identifier even it is not being placed into a batch.
Leave the Workstation options settings unticked and make the settings in the scan jobs which require batch and document numbering set to utilise the ID numbers set in Authority Server.
Close the button screen (bottom RH corner of window)
Select Admin > Workstation Options
Select the Jobs tab
If batch counters are required - tick the Generate Batch Identifiers box
Select the required Server ID Counter from the list
If doc counters are required - tick the Generate Document Identifiers box
Select the required Server ID Counter from the list
Click the Save button
Set the Workstation options to utilise Authority Server Batch and Document IDs
Authority Web Services and HTTPS Configuration
EzeScan Authority as of version and EzeScan itself as of version 4.3.139 supports the use of HTTPS encryption for the Authority Website, meaning communications between EzeScan and Authority would be encrypted as would the Authority website. For functional HTTPS operations the following will be required.
Appropriate EzeScan and EzeScan Autority versions (see above).
A fully qualified DNS name for the Authority website URL.
A valid website pfx format certificate naming the Authority website DNS reference.
The fully qualified DNS name is a requirement as it will used as name validation on the website certificate. The DNS name itself would be of the format of name.domain.type.etc, for example authority.ezescan.net or authority.ezescan.com.au For certificate usage, a fully qualified name is required as certificate issuers no longer issue website certificates for non-doted URLS e.g. https://authority would be invalid for website certificate usage, however https://authority.ezescan.net would be considered a valid DNS name. Web browsers similarly have specific requirements for a HTTPS site and for a website certificate to function, a fully qualified name is part of the requirement. The EzeScan Authority web services can function with a variety of certificates.
A Certificate issued by a Public Certificate Authority.
e.g. GoDaddy, IdenTrust, Comodo, Entrust etc.
Internal Certificate Authority issued. An organisation's own CA is able to issue certificates to themselves.
A Self-Signed certificate generated by EzeScan Authority itself.
The most ideal would be a public authority issued certificate, followed by a certificate issued by an internal authority and lastly a self-signed certificate.
Advantages and disadvantages for types of certificates
Each different type of certificate will have different functionality requirements. For example self-signed and internal CA issued certificates are not in general automatically considered as valid by the HTTPS subsystem unless a chain of trust is specifically configured.
For a self-signed certificate this will mean installing the certificate into the Windows "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" repository.
For an internal CA issued certificate the CA public root certificate will need to be installed into the local computer Windows "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" repository.
For a public issued certificate the chain of trust is typically already in place as Windows will have the issuers public root CA certificate already installed in the Windows "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" repository.
A public issued certificate generally has a cost and expiry of one or two years, meaning there will be a regular maintenance interval where the certificate is renewed/replaced every year or so.
An internal CA certificate can be issued for no cost and can have longer expiry time periods (5 years for example) and will require the internal CA root certificate to be rolled out to the Windows "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" repository. There is also the overhead of managing and maintaining the internal Certificate Authority.
A self-signed certificate is a certificate created by the application itself.
The certificate would contain both the private and public key and to obtain a chain of trust the certificate would need to be installed into the local computer Windows "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" repository. This would apply for every machine where the EzeScan client software is installed and for every machine where the EzeScan Authority web service is going to be accessed via a web browser.
Note the FireFox web browser will no longer trust self-signed certificates even if a chain of trust is in place, although it is possible to allow FireFox to create an exception.
Creating a Self-Signed Certificate
Open an administrative command shell and type the following command as a single line.
The certificate will be created in the path of… C:\ProgramData\Outback Imaging\EzeScan Authority\Authority Server.pfx And will be set in the Authority.cfg file as per the below example file entries. SslCertificateName=Authority Server.pfx SslCertificatePassword=EACVnJ+J8ntMXbydVFYYfGDD8gDJX3H9Kn0FmiX9R9iw/pKQGr0= A restart of the Ezescan Authority Windows Service will be required to initialise the use of HTTPS. Once created the self-signed certificate will need to be added to the Windows local computer "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" repository using the Microsoft Certificate Management MMC (Microsoft Management Console). When added to the local computer "Trusted Root Certification Authorities", a Chain of Trust will be in place and the EzeScan Authority Website will open on the local machine without certificate errors (FireFox excluded, see previous page).
The self-signed certificate will need to be added to the local computer "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" on all workstations/servers where EzeScan is in use.
Adding a Certificate to the EzeScan Authority web service.
In the Authority Service ProgramData directory create a folder named Certificate C:\ProgramData\Outback Imaging\EzeScan Authority\Certficate Place the pfx certificate into this newly created folder. Open an administrative command shell and type the following command as a single line. The command line below has been spread over multiple lines for ease of reading. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Outback Imaging\EzeScan Authority\AuthorityServer.exe" setsslcert --certificatename "My_EzeScan_Authority_Certificate.pfx" --password "password" Where "My_EzeScan_Authority_Certificate.pfx" is your certificate file name and "password" is the password applied to the certificate. The above command will install the certificate and configure the Authority.cfg file with the required entries for running as HTTPS
Swapping between HTTPS and HTTP
To swap back to HTTP comment the two certificate lines in the Authority.cfg and restart the EzeScan Authority Windows Service. Comment indicators are the # symbol. #SslCertificateName=Authority Server.pfx #SslCertificatePassword=EACVnJ+J8ntMXbydVFYYfGDD8gDJX3H9Kn0FmiX9R9iw/pKQGr0=
EzeScan Configuration
Set EzeScan to reference the new Authority HTTPS URL Admin/Workstation Options/Config/ Authority Server URL
Typically, this would be required if the admin password was forgotten or lost. The following command can be run to update a user password from the EzeScan Authority folder. C:\Program Files\Outback Imaging\EzeScan Authority>authorityserver setuserpassword --username "admin" --password "newpasswordhere" The command should return the following INFO: 2021-08-09 10:34:13.2831, Getting user manager INFO: 2021-08-09 10:34:13.2831, Updating password for user 'admin' INFO: 2021-08-09 10:34:13.3020, Update password succeeded The operator will then be able to login to the web client with the new password.
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