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99. Why are my SharePoint Date fields not being populated correctly?

If using a KFI / UPLOAD job to SharePoint and populating Date or Date and Time type fields the SharePoint Server requires the date to be in a specific format.

To achieve this with EzeScan, do the following for the date KFI field/s:

For Date only Fields….

  1. Set your KFI field to Date and the respective date format (if for supplier invoices set to VARIABLE).

  2. Set the Output date mask to YYYY-MM-DD

  3. Apply the changes

  4. Select the respective UPLOAD job and confirm target field is set to "Date".

For Date/Time Fields….

The Date value must be in ISO 8601 format, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

To achieve this with EzeScan, do the following for the date KFI field/s:

  1. Set your KFI field to Date and the respective date format (if for supplier invoices set to VARIABLE).

  2. Set the Output date mask to YYYY-MM-DD

  3. Go to the Output tab and add the following as the suffix.

    <<(Time Processed)(hh:mm:ss)>>

  4. Apply the changes

  5. Select the respective UPLOAD job and confirm target field is set to "Date & Time".

Run the job and the date will be correctly populated on the SharePoint Server.

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