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75. LDAP Configuration with Active Directory

To integrate EzeScan DESKTOP with Active directory the EzeScan Administrator is required to know the following details:

  1. LDAP Host - usually a Domain Controller

  2. LDAP Port - the default is 389

  3. DN = This is where in the LDAP tree logins are allowed. i.e. if you want to specify the whole domain this would usually be the name of the domain i.e dc=ezescan,dc=com,dc=au

If you are not aware of your LDAP structure then the following command is recommended.

Note: This needs to be run from the domain controller or a windows member server of the domain.

In Command Prompt type the following: "ldifde -f c:\ldapout.txt"

The top line will contain the root of your LDAP tree. Simply copy this line from DN onwards.

To Configure EzeScan LDAP, Select Admin, Options, then the Security Tab.

Tick "Login Using External LDAP Account" Note: An admin password must be set first"

Below is a sample LDAP Configuration.


If you wanted to only allow EzeScan DESKTOP to authenticate to only to a group of users you would then specify the LDAP container that these members reside in.

i.e ou=admin,dc=ezescan,dc=com,dc=au

To find out to correct LDAP path, simply search for a user in this group in the ldapout.txt file. After where is says "cn = Joe Bloggs" there will be the user's LDAP path. Simply copy that into the DN field in EzeScan DESKTOP.

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