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49. What folder permissions are required if I don't have local admin rights?

Ezescan DESKTOP program executables are normally installed into the "c:\program files\outback imaging\ezescan" directory. This can be changed during the installation process if required.

Note: In older installs all the other data folders mentioned below resided under "C:\Program Files\Outback Imaging\EzeScan" by default

EzeScan DESKTOP configuration files are created in the "c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\outback imaging\ezescan" directory.

Or alternatively you can edit the "c:\program files\outback imaging\ezescan\override.ini" file to specify a different directory where the license and configuration files will be stored (in the example below, the first line is commented out and ignored, and the second line is processed).

[Folder Paths]
;Common Data=c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Outback Imaging\EzeScan
Common Data=C:\Program Files\Outback Imaging\Ezescan

In either case if the EzeScan DESKTOP users on the PC do not have local Admin rights then the you must grant the "All Users Modify" privilege on this Common Data directory and all of its sub directories.

EzeScan DESKTOP temporary files and working files are created in the Default Application Data Directory which is initially set to  "c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\outback imaging\ezescan" directory. EzeScan DESKTOP creates a cache sub directory and many other sub directories in this location.

Or alternatively this directory location can be changed using the EzeScan Admin->Options form. Simply enter a new location in the Default Application Data Directory field on the General tab.

In either case if the EzeScan DESKTOP users on the PC do not have local Admin rights then the you must grant the "All Users Modify" privilege on this Default Application Data Directory  directory and all of its sub directories.

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