25. How to load EzeScan DESKTOP to start a specific job or UPLOAD task
If you want to open EzeScan DESKTOP and directly start a specific job or UPLOAD task, you can do so by creating a shortcut using the examples below.
Simply copy the Windows desktop shortcut that is already created for EzeScan, right-click to select “Properties” and modify the target Path to one of those below.

Shortcuts For JOBS
Scanning Mode: Use C:\Program Files\Outback Imaging\EzeScan\EzeScan.exe -scan the_scan_job_type_name
Import Folder Mode: Use C:\Program Files\Outback Imaging\EzeScan\EzeScan.exe -import the_import_job_type_name
Job Button Mode: Use C:\Program Files\Outback Imaging\EzeScan\EzeScan.exe -button the_button_number (Note: the button number starts at 0. E.g. Button 1 is 0)
Use C:\Program Files\Outback Imaging\EzeScan\EzeScan.exe -route the_route_type_name
Shortcuts For UPLOAD
Use C:\Program Files\Outback Imaging\EzeScan\EzeScan.exe -upload the_upload_type_name
If running as a scheduled task add the following switches -uploadindex "name of index file.txt" -closeotherinstances -closeafter .
This will run the specific KFI output file, close any EzeScan instances and will also close EzeScan after the batch upload has completed.
e.g. Use C:\Program Files\Outback Imaging\EzeScan\EzeScan.exe -upload "the_upload_type_name" -uploadindex "output.txt" -closeotherinstances -closeafter
Please refer to the EzeScan UPLOAD documentation for more information.
For EzeScan DESKTOP 32bit version the paths above would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Outback Imaging\EzeScan