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109. How to import from an OPEX scanner

An OPEX scanner will save its scanned documents as a single page TIF file and also include an XML file of the data (.oxi). EzeScan can import the documents plus data and then this can be used in EzeScan for processing.

Importing Images and XML data

To import the images:

  1. Create a new job in EzeScan

  2. Set the Job to "Enable Import Folder Processing"

  3. Set "Import Existing Index File" to XML (import tab)

  4. Specify your import and output folders.

  5. In the Import tab there is a RUN option. In here the operator is required to enter a run command (this will combine the TIF files and import the xml data)
    Please note: The operator will need to know the folder path of where the OPEX scanner is saving its data too.
    Below is a sample command to import from an OPEX scanner output.
    "c:\program files\outback imaging\ezescan 4.2\ezescan.exe" -mergeoxi "c:\import\opex\" -mergeto "C:\ProgramData\Outback Imaging\EzeScan\Input\Opex Test"
    Note. The -mergeoxi switch is the parent folder path of where the OPEX batch folder images and xml data resides.
    The -mergeto switch is where the merge data will be moved to, typically this should be the same folder defined in the EzeScan Job Import Folder.

  6. Press the Save button to apply the changes.

Extracting the XML data for use with KFI

The KFI module can be used to extract the XML data into KFI fields.

In the KFI field Value tab, there is an option called "Entry in data file" the operator needs to input the XPath of the variable.

e.g. for the Page Name variable, it would be "//Batch/Transaction/Page/@PageName" (without the quotes)

An XPath is a language to extract information from an XML document.

Find more information on how to extract your Xpath information here

Please feel free to contact us for further assistance with regards to XML importing and manipulating of its data.

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