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108. EzeScan installer fails with unable to open the package error

This issue is typically the result of installing EzeScan from within a Zip file. It is always best practice to unzip the EzeScan CD .zip file into a folder and then run setup.exe.

The MSI installer displays the error as it is looking for the MSI install files in a temp folder (usually C:\WINDOWS\Installer)


To correct please do the following:

  1. Login to the PC using an account with local administration rights

  2. Extract the installation Zip file to the local HDD for example "C:\ezescan_cd"

  3. Open command prompt and change to the path to Packages subfolder for example, "cd C:\ezescan_cd\Packages"

  4. Type in the following command "msiexec /i ezescan.msi /L*v ezescan.log"

  5. Follow the prompts on the install screen until the error occurs

  6. Close the installer and open the ezescan.log file that is created in the packages folder. You will see some lines like this.

    Package we're running from ==> C:\WINDOWS\Installer\1a8d065.msi
    Opening existing patch 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\1a8d066.msp'
    In this instance the folder path is C:\Windows\Installer

  7. From the EzeScan CD rename the EzeScan.msi file to the msi file the log is looking for. In this instance 1a8d065.msi

  8. From the EzeScan CD rename the EzeScan_Patch.msp file to the msi file the log is looking for. In this instance 1a8d066.msp

  9. Copy the two newly renamed files into the specified folder.

  10. Run the Setup.exe again and the installer should load correctly.

Please contact us if you require further assistance.

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