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105. Error 1503 when starting EzeScan SERVER service

If you are experiencing this error on your EzeScan SERVER it is because the EzeScan Server service (responsible for unattended EzeScan Route execution) is taking longer to start than Windows allows. The default startup time allocated for a windows service is 30 seconds.

The EzeScan Server Service may not be starting for the following reasons:

  • Depending on EDRMS clients to startup or other dependencies

  • Slow or busy processor on the EzeScan Server.

To fix this problem, Microsoft has a Knowledge Base article on how to debug a Windows Service - 824344

We recommend adjusting the service timeout from 30 seconds to 2 minutes or follow the instructions below.


  1. In Registry Editor, locate, and then right-click the following registry subkey:

  2. Point to New, and then click DWORD Value. In the right pane of Registry Editor, notice that New Value #1 (the name of a new registry entry) is selected for editing.

  3. Type ServicesPipeTimeout to replace New Value #1 → then press ENTER.

  4. Right-click the ServicesPipeTimeout registry entry that you created in step c → click Modify. The Edit DWORD Value dialog box appears.

  5. In the Value data text box, type 120000 (2 minutes)

  6. Under Base select the Decimal option, and then click OK

  7. Reboot the server for the changes to take effect.

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