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Accessing the Admin Dashboard

  1. In the top right of the web application click Log in
  2. Login as the default admin user

  3. In the top right menu again click the Admin link.
  4. You should now see the Admin Dashboard.

Managing your License

  1. On the left menu click the “License” option.
  2. You should then see the license details page.
  3. If you require a demonstration license, then on this page you will now be able to see your server’s hostname.
  4. Please email the hostname exactly as it appears here as it is case sensitive.
  5. If approved, the EzeScan support team will email you back the license
  6. Save this license to a temporary location on your system.
  7. To upload the license simply click the browse button and select the file from your temporary location and then click the Submit button.
  8. The license details should update and check that License Stats now says License Valid.

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