Azure AD App Registration
- Navigate to the Azure Portal and select Azure Active Directory.
- On the left menu select App Registrations.
Enter the following details and then click the Register button:
Option Value Name EzeScan WebApps Supported account types Accounts in this organizational directory only ([Your tenant name here] only - Single tenant)
Redirect URI Web - (Sub in the URL of your EWA install). - On the left menu click on the Authentication option.
Set the following options and then click Save:
Option Value Logout Url (Sub in the URL of your EWA install). Implicit Grant ID tokens Supported Account Types > Who can use this application or access this API? Accounts in this organizational directory only ([Your tenant name here] only - Single tenant) Advanced Settings > Allow public client flows No - On the left menu select the Overview option.
- Take note of the Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID by mousing over then clicking the copy to clipboard button and saving them somewhere safe for later use.
- Click on the Endpoints option in the top menu.
- Take note of the OpenID Connect metadata document URL by clicking the copy to clipboard button and saving it somewhere safe for later use.
- You should now have the 3 respective values saved out ready to put into EzeScan WebApps appsettings.json file.
- Navigate to Token configuration and click Add optional claim
- Select the Token Type: ID, then tick the options to enable email, upn, family_name and given_name. Click the Add button.
- If asked then tick the "Turn on the Microsoft Graph email, profile permissions" option and click Add.
- Click Add groups claim
Set the following settings and then click Add:
Option Value Security groups (ID) Group ID
Emit groups as role claims
Edit your appsettings.json files Authentication section to contain the following:
JS"Authentication": { "EnableApiKey": true, "Providers": { "OpenIdConnect": { "Authority": "[Directory (tenant) ID]/v2.0", "ClientId": "[Application (client) ID]", "MetadataAddress": "[OpenID Connect metadata document]", "TokenValidationParameters": { "NameClaimType": "name" } } } }
Confirm your Authentcation section now looks like the following and save the file.
JS"Authentication": { "EnableApiKey": true, "Providers": { "OpenIdConnect": { "Authority": "", "ClientId": "3523c7b7-0000-0000-0000-9463c2bffbf2", "MetadataAddress": "", "TokenValidationParameters": { "NameClaimType": "name" } } } }
- Restart the IIS App Pool that runs EzeScan WebApps.
- Navigate to your EzeScan WebApps site and click the Login button.
- Login as an Azure AD Administrator, tick the Consent box and then click Accept.