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TechnologyOne Financials CiA

KFI Providers:

The action providers follow a typical structure for searching for various item types.

Filter Expression

In the image below, the red area shows settings related to the Filter Expression which is used perform searches beyond what is provided in the search field settings.

The fields that can be searched can be determined by browsing either the Display Value Format and Output Value Format settings.

The Filter Expression follows the format of:

{FieldName} operator {SearchValue}

Placeholders can also be used in this setting. A typical example would be:

{FieldName} operator {<<F1>>}

The supported Search operators are:

Search Operator

Search symbol





Not Equals






Starts With


Ends With


The Filter Expression can also use search condition groupings, such as:

Search Grouping



{FieldName1} operator {SearchValue1} and {FieldName2} operator {SearchValue2}


{FieldName1} operator {SearchValue1} or {FieldName2} operator {SearchValue2}

The “Use the Filter Epxression in the Search Window” checkbox makes searches in the done Search Window combine with the Filter Expression. This allows for greater search flexibility.

Search Fields

In the image below, the red area shows search fields which can be preconfigured to perform an equals search during the search.

These fields vary for each Search type.

Search Component Charts

This action type supports displaying and searching the following Component Chart fields:

  • Account

  • AccountName

  • AccountName2

  • ChartName

  • DataEntryStatusCode

  • ShortName

Search Contracts

This action type supports displaying and searching the following Contract fields:

  • AmountExclusive

  • AmountInclusive

  • ContractNumber

  • ContractSystem

  • Description

  • Narration

  • StatusCode

  • StatusDescription

Search Selection Codes

This action type supports displaying and searching the following Selection Code fields:

  • SelectionType

  • SelectionCode

  • StatusCode

  • ShortDescription

  • Description

  • Narration1

  • Narration2

  • Narration3

  • UserField1

  • UserField2

  • UserField3

  • UserField4

  • UserField5

  • UserField6

  • UserField7

  • UserField8

  • UserField9

  • UserField10

  • UserField11

  • UserField12

  • UserField13

  • UserField14

  • UserField15

  • UserField16

  • UserField17

  • UserField18

  • UserField19

  • UserField20

Search Suppliers

This action type supports supports displaying and searching the following Supplier fields:

  • AccountNumberInternal

  • AccountType

  • Address1

  • Address2

  • Address3

  • AddressConcat

  • BankAccount

  • BankName

  • BsbCode

  • BusinessRegisterNumber

  • BusinessRegisterNumber2

  • CertificateNumber

  • ChartName

  • ChartType

  • City

  • CountryCode

  • DefaultAccount

  • DefaultLedgerCode

  • Description

  • EftReferenceCode

  • EmailAddress

  • EntryOption

  • EntryOptionCode

  • PayAccount

  • PaymentMethodCode

  • PostCode

  • SelectionType10Code

  • SelectionType11Code

  • SelectionType12Code

  • SelectionType13Code

  • SelectionType14Code

  • SelectionType15Code

  • SelectionType16Code

  • SelectionType17Code

  • SelectionType18Code

  • SelectionType19Code

  • SelectionType1Code

  • SelectionType20Code

  • SelectionType21Code

  • SelectionType22Code

  • SelectionType23Code

  • SelectionType24Code

  • SelectionType25Code

  • SelectionType26Code

  • SelectionType27Code

  • SelectionType28Code

  • SelectionType29Code

  • SelectionType2Code

  • SelectionType30Code

  • SelectionType31Code

  • SelectionType32Code

  • SelectionType33Code

  • SelectionType34Code

  • SelectionType35Code

  • SelectionType36Code

  • SelectionType37Code

  • SelectionType38Code

  • SelectionType39Code

  • SelectionType3Code

  • SelectionType40Code

  • SelectionType4Code

  • SelectionType5Code

  • SelectionType6Code

  • SelectionType7Code

  • SelectionType8Code

  • SelectionType9Code

  • StatementDay

  • Status

  • TermsDays

  • UserDateTime1

  • UserDateTime10

  • UserDateTime2

  • UserDateTime3

  • UserDateTime4

  • UserDateTime5

  • UserDateTime6

  • UserDateTime7

  • UserDateTime8

  • UserDateTime9

  • UserField1

  • UserField10

  • UserField2

  • UserField3

  • UserField4

  • UserField5

  • UserField6

  • UserField7

  • UserField8

  • UserField9

  • UserNumber1

  • UserNumber10

  • UserNumber2

  • UserNumber3

  • UserNumber4

  • UserNumber5

  • UserNumber6

  • UserNumber7

  • UserNumber8

  • UserNumber9

  • VatRateCodeDef

Search Users

This action type supports displaying and searching the following User fields:

  • AccountDisabled

  • Email

  • FamilyName

  • GivenName

  • Portal

  • UserId

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