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Override Settings During Start-up

It is possible to use a file named override.ini to temporarily or permanently override certain configuration defaults for EzeScan Desktop and Server.

Some common reasons for using an override.ini include:

  • Configuring application logging

  • Configuring the Common Data folder location

How to use override.ini

The easiest way to get started is to copy the example override.ini from the Resources folder (e.g ‘C:\Program Files\Outback Imaging\EzeScan\Resources\Override.ini’ OR ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Outback Imaging\EzeScan\Resources\Override.ini’) of your EzeScan installation to either:

  1. The EzeScan Common Data folder (For EzeScan 5.0.114 and above)

    • e.g ‘C:\ProgramData\Outback Imaging\EzeScan’

  2. The EzeScan Application folder (For EzeScan versions before 5.0.114 OR when overriding the Common Data folder location itself)

    • e.g ‘C:\Program Files\Outback Imaging\EzeScan’ OR ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Outback Imaging\EzeScan'

The example override.ini provides sample of settings that can be overridden during application start.

Any of these samples can be enabled by removing the leading semi-colon ';' from the start of the particular line (any lines beginning with a semi-colon will otherwise be ignored)

For example to enable some reasonable logging defaults, remove the semi-colon ; from the following line in the [Startup] section

;CommandLine=-DebugMemory -DebugFileOnly -MaxLogSize 5 -LogsToKeep 20

How to enable override.ini for multiple EzeScan Server instances

When multiple service instances are installed on the same server and only when using an override.ini installed in the EzeScan Application folder, the override.ini needs to be named 'overrideN.ini' where N is the instance number.

e.g Instance 2 requires the file to be called ‘override2.ini’

The file name can remain ‘override.ini’ when it is located in the Common Data folder (only for EzeScan 5.0.114 and above)

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