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Objective WebTalk+


EzeScan allows importing and uploading of documents into Objective via the Objective WebTalk+ API. This document will explain the connection settings and how to configure to with this repository.

It is expected the operator has an understanding of the EzeScan Job/Route/KFI/UPLOAD modules before undertaking this configuration. Documentation for these modules is available under the Help Menu in EzeScan.


1) EzeScan 5.0.123 or higher

2) Objective 10.X, 11.X, or Nexus 2024 R1 with WebTalk+ configured

The Objective Nexus connector should be used instead when targeting an Objective Nexus on-premise or cloud server.

Connection Settings

The following is required to allow EzeScan to communicate to the Objective server.

  • Server URL - The public URL used to access ECM Gateway (e.g.

  • Authentication Type

    • OpenID Connect (Versions 10.6 and above)

      • Token Exchange (recommended for all new installs with Versions v11 and above)

        • Client ID

        • Client Secret

        • Impersonate User - specify user name or type placeholder <<S2>> for current logged in user 

      • Grant Type - Authorization Code

        • Authorisation Endpoint

        • Client ID

        • Client Secret

        • Redirect URI

        • OAuth Sign-In

      • Grant Type - Password Credentials

        • Token Endpoint

        • Client ID

        • Client Secret

        • Username

        • Password

Please note the Authentication formats of Basic and Windows Auth are deprecated as they are only supported by Objective version 10.5 and below

Below is an example connecting with Token Exchange

Below is an example connecting with Password Credentials

Configuring importing of documents from Objective

The next step is to configure the import searches to allow EzeScan to search and then import these documents.

Typically this is designed for documents that require OCR and the search is done on a catalogue field (OCR Status) but it could be used for other methods.

The Import Document Settings

This section details on the searches and settings to configure for EzeScan to download documents from Objective.

Depending on the workflow this can be done as a Job or as a Route (EzeScan Server).

In the Import Tab → Import Sources → Click

and then select "Objective WebTalk+" from the Connector pull down list. The following will display.

The first step is the connection settings. The operator can configure in this box or in Admin → Workstation Options → EDRMS → Objective WebTalk+

If in the Workstation Options the operator can tick "Use Global Connection Settings" and this will inherit from the workstation settings.

This is handy for if there is multiple workflows (Routes and UPLOADs) as it only needs to be configured once.

The next step is for the search to be configured to find the documents required.

Clicking on the Text Query or Metadata Query will open the Query Editor.

In this example we are performing a search on the field "OCR Status" and the value has be to Request OCR

The Test button can be used to confirm the search is returning expected results.

Max Results and Search Result Limit can be adjusted to limit the load on the Objective server.

The default Max Results is 50 and the Max Result Limit for Objective WebTalk is 200.

The next step is to handle the updating of the field for when a document is downloaded. The reason for this is so when the next search runs EzeScan will not find it as it has already been downloaded.

The syntax is CatalogueID:FieldID:Value or can be on the field ID directly :FieldID:Value. In this example the we are searching via the field ID

In edge case scenario's there may be a reason the above settings of updating a field may fail. The setting Consecutive Error Limit should be set.

When the error limit has occurred on a document the Document ID will be noted in the Failed Document Ids box. e.g.

These will need to be managed by an administrator by noting the values and dealing with them in Objective. When the issue is resolved the ID for the document can be cleared from this box.

Once the above settings have been completed, EzeScan will be able to search and download documents from Objective.

The document will be downloaded into the Job/Route Import Folder with a partner XML file. The XML file will contain data of the document and the KFI module entry in date file setting (value tab) can be used to extract this data into fields.

Example KFI field to obtain the Objective Document ID.

Configuring of uploading documents to Objective

The UPLOAD module is used to upload documents into Objective. It supports three methods:

1) New Document

2) New Document Version

3) Update Metadata Only

Firstly the upload properties need to be configured. If set in the workstation options tick "Use Global Connection Settings" or fill out as per required.

New Document upload

This is the default mapping for a new document upload.

The Name, Parent ID and Document Type are mandatory fields. These will need to be set as source values from a KFI field or set as a static value.

To pull back custom catalogue fields set the Catalogue ID and then press the Auto Populate button below. This will pull in all the custom catalogue fields.

e.g. in this example the catalogue ID of cA6 is set and when clicking Auto Populate the fields below appear. They can then be mapped accordingly.

New Document Version

A new document version requires the Document ID as a mandatory value.

The operator can also apply custom catalogue fields and update the default fields supplied. e.g.

For new document version and update of metadata uploads it is recommended that catalogue fields are updating by the name.

In the example above ||OCR Status EzeScan will search for the field by is name. It is recommended to do this as the field could be applied across multiple catalogues.

EzeScan will search for the name and update on the existing catalogue.

Update Metadata Only

This action will just update the metadata for a document.

The Document ID is mandatory but typically a catalogue field may also be updated. In this example the Document is being updated and a catalogue field.

In the example above ||OCR Status EzeScan will search for the field by is name. It is recommended to do this as the field could be applied across multiple catalogues.

EzeScan will search for the name and update on the existing catalogue.

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