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Australian Business Register

This integrations adds support for looking up business registrations in the Australian Business Register.


You must register at the below website for access to the ABN Lookup Web Services and keep a copy of the provided Authentication GUID for use in the connection settings.


It is recommended that the connection settings be configured globally using a connection profile in Workstation Options.



Authentication GUID

The authentication GUID that was obtained from registering for access to the web services as per the Requirements section.

ABN Details Lookup

This KFI browse action allows the lookup of details for a business using either an ABN or ACN.



Search For Number

Enter the ABN or ACN number to search for. Placeholder values can be used to inject the number from a prior KFI Field. For example, use <<F1>> to pass through the value of Field #1.

Display Value Format

Specify the format to use for the display value returned from the selected item.

For example, {ASICNumber} will return the ASIC number for the matched business registration.

Use the browse button […] to select from the available fields.

Availability of fields is dependent on the type of business registration returned. A blank value will be substituted for unavailable fields.

Output Value Format

Specify the format to use for the display value returned from the selected item.

For example, {ABN[0].identifierValue} will return the first ABN number for the matched business registration.

Use the browse button […] to select from the available fields.

Availability of fields is dependent on the type of business registration returned. A blank value will be substituted for unavailable fields.

ABN Names Lookup

This KFI browse action allows the lookup of names for a business using either an ABN or ACN.



Search For Number

Enter the ABN or ACN number to search for. Placeholder values can be used to inject the number from a prior KFI Field. For example, use <<F1>> to pass through the value of Field #1.

Return All Names

Return all names for the match business registration, otherwise the main name.

Remove Duplicates

Removes duplicate names from the results.

Individual Name Format

Format to use for naming Individual/Sole Trader registrations.

For example, {familyName}, {givenName} {otherGivenName}

Display Value Format

Format to use for display, default is {FormattedName}.

Use the browse button […] to select from the available fields.

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