The Authority Server web page will allow for additional users to be created.
All users are currently regarded as administrators with all having the same access and the web site will not allow for all users to be able to be deleted. There will always be at least one user.
The default credentials are admin/admin.
User management is of a simple design and users can currently be created or deleted only.
To add another user
Log in.
Click on the "User Management" tab.
Click the + New User link.
Enter the username and password, then click Add.
To delete a user
Log in as a different user to the one you wish to delete.
Click on the "User Management" tab.
From the list of users displayed click Delete on the user to delete.
Note You cannot delete the user you're currently logged in as, neither can the admin account be deleted.The following warnings will open if a user fitting the above is attempted to be deleted.
To Change a user password
Login as the user for whom you wish to change the password for.
Click the "User Management" Tab.
Enter the current password, then the new password and confirm the new password.
Click the Update password button and the password wilL be updated.
Figure 41
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